September choreographic thoughts

(excerpts from a statement I had to write about my current interests)

“I am interested in how investigations on the body and movement in terms of functionality, efficiency and ways of working are leading to the emergence of an aesthetic.

I am looking at how a specific way of working physically leads to a unique aesthetic. I find interesting that what would be called “a style” (Ballet, Graham, Cunningham and others…) doesn’t come from an outside work on shape, but that the resulting form is molded from a preceding deep physical work and exploration.

Having learned and practiced the Flexible Barres technique, I am interested in exploring how it is informing a choreographic process, and how it can generate inventive outcomes.

Choreographically I am interested in bringing back the body and movement within the context of a dance performance. There is a reality to what supposes physical dancing which has been pushed on the sides by minimalist and non-dance practices. I am interested in researching on a middle ground and equilibrium between conceptual performance away from moving work and and a succession of movements and steps only for the sake of moving, aesthetic pleasing and entertainment.”

September choreographic thoughts

(excerpts from a statement I had to write about my current interests)

"I am interested in how investigations on the body and movement in terms of functionality, efficiency and ways of working are leading to the emergence of an aesthetic.

I am looking at how a specific way of working physically leads to a unique aesthetic. I find interesting that what would be called “a style” (Ballet, Graham, Cunningham and others…) doesn't come from an outside work on shape, but that the resulting form is molded from a preceding deep physical work and exploration.

Having learned and practiced the Flexible Barres technique, I am interested in exploring how it is informing a choreographic process, and how it can generate inventive outcomes.

Choreographically I am interested in bringing back the body and movement within the context of a dance performance. There is a reality to what supposes physical dancing which has been pushed on the sides by minimalist and non-dance practices. I am interested in researching on a middle ground and equilibrium between conceptual performance away from moving work and and a succession of movements and steps only for the sake of moving, aesthetic pleasing and entertainment."

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